(Customer Picture Featured Above)
At the beginning of every year we like to reflect on the past 365 days of our lives and set goals for the next 365 days. Through this practice we are able to see what worked for us, what did not and focus on applying ourselves to what matters most. We are so pleased with all the happiness and success that came in 2019 and we are so excited to continue growing in this new year and new decade.
Last year included so much joy from both our family life and our business. As a family we got to spend a lot of time together, watching our beautiful girls grow into their spunky personalities, cheering as they explored new hobbies and experiencing firsts across the board.

This past year we also started making exciting changes to our own home. After viewing so many beautiful pictures of our clients homes we were inspired to do some upgrades as well, most recently we have added wainscoting to our stairway and upgraded our bathroom design using some of our own brackets to create the perfect sink counter (Pictured above).
As a business, last year we achieved some major accomplishments. We started offering new designs catering to different styles. We started getting help around the shop from new employees, which is a huge step for us. Lastly, and most importantly, we grew our business nearly double from the previous year, which is more than we ever thought possible and we owe it all to our amazing clients.

(Customer Picture Featured Above)
This year we are so excited for all the amazing opportunities to grow. We are so elated to be creating even more designs for our shop including pieces in different categories such as equestrian and barn hardware. We are also thrilled to start making changes at our shop, organizing and rearranging, improving our internal process. Lastly, we are most looking forward to expanding our community, we love seeing all the creative ways our clients use our products, and we get so inspired to create the best products possible because of said clients, we want to continue seeing how our products are able to help transform our clients homes.
We are looking forward to everything in store for this year and the decade to come. We can not wait to share all the exciting new things we have planned.
Tyler and Kristy